Beauty, Fashion, Confidence.

Monthly Archives: January 2013

So not too long ago I posted my fashion farewell. But I have decided to continue doing my blog anyway because I actually enjoy it and its amazing that I’ve connected with other people from around the country who share the same passion. Now I”m excited! I can actually put more of MY pictures on here. Woohoo(:

Check out my youtube channel!


To all my followers here on my blog, I thought I should inform you that I there will not be any more posts from Pretty Passions. For those who didn’t know, I took  this blogging class in school and it is the end of the semester. I really enjoyed sharing my fashion and beauty tips and ideas with everyone and I also enjoyed reading yours. But don’t be sad! I also have a you-tube channel that I just started on beauty and fashion. So instead of blogging, I’ll be vlogging! Makeup and clothes and such will always be a big passion of mine and I don’t plan on letting it go anytime soon. I just have to let go of my blog. Maybe I will continue doing more posts in the future as I strive for college in the cosmetology field. Or even before then to tell you all about my journey  Thank you so much for understanding and even reading my blog! It really means a lot to me. Take care!

With much love,

Devan McKinley

(my youtube name is Chakeeta15)

I found a great concealer. It is now my favorite concealer and I will most likely add it to my everyday makeup look. It is the Maybelline Dream Lumi Touch Highlighting Concealer.

For my skin tone, I got it in shade Ivory, but they have multiple shades as do most concealers and foundations. You twist the bottom know until the concealer comes through the tube up on to the mini brush. You just apply it to your skin and blend it in. Bye bye dark circles!

dream-lumi-concealer_pack-shot-cropYou can buy this product at any drug store such as walmart, walgreens, rite aid or cvs. Heres a quick link

Or even on ebay or at ulta or their website.